Why the APP store price increase is good for you!

Why the APP store price increase is good for you!

In case you might not have seen the "how dare they do this??" posts and articles in the media today. Apple are putting up prices for apps in the UK app store. What was once 79p will now be 99p - which is basically a dollar to pound comparison.

Promote Your App for Free #2 - Create a Video

Promote Your App for Free #2 - Create a Video

An example of a promotional image for your app. We provide these to clients for free. 

Making a video to promote your app is a fantastic way of getting interest and is a GREAT way of getting attention in social media (video can really stop a scroll!)

Here is an example of a great facebook post and video

Meet your APP Designer - Anand

Meet your APP Designer - Anand

Its good to meet the team and know the person behind the avatar! :) Time to introduce one of the App Designers - Anand

Using apps for insane levels of customer loyalty!

Using apps for insane levels of customer loyalty!

It's the secret to financial growth for 82% of small to medium businesses. Previously its been costly to implement a customer loyalty plan but with the power of apps it is ridiculously simple!

Ask an App Developer: Are App users more loyal?

Ask an App Developer: Are App users more loyal?

If you simply consider the fact that mobile users can have coupons, directions, menus, booking forms, phone numbers and any manner of sales and promotions in front of them (and reminding them) – its easy to understand that no other medium can come close to inspiring loyalty and repeat-purchasing like an app can.

As an App Developer, there’s a phrase I use way too much – “friction free”. If you haven’t heard it before I”l explain, and I you have heard it before, I apologise for repeating myself.